# # Initializes the whole detector description. # If a particular geometry version is required then # either set version directly. Eventually for reconstruction # version will be automitically detected from Pool file. # # include (AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInit) # GeoModelSvc = Service("GeoModelSvc") # GeoModelSvc.AtlasVersion = "ATLAS-00" # # or set DetDescrVersion and include "AtlasGeoModel/SetGeometryVersion.py" # # DetDescrVersion = "DC2" # include ("AtlasGeoModel/SetGeometryVersion.py") # include ("AtlasGeoModel/GeoModelInit") # # Load RDBAcessSvc (Access to parameter Database) #include ("RDBAccessSvc/RDBAccessSvcPdb_jobOptions.py") include( "RDBAccessSvcPdb_jobOptions.py" ) # Load GeoModelSvc theApp.Dlls += [ "GeoModelSvc" ] theApp.ExtSvc += [ "GeoModelSvc"] # Load the detectors. These job option fragments look at DetFlags if it is # defined. include ("AtlasGeoModel/InDetGeoModel.py") include ("AtlasGeoModel/LArGeoModel.py") include ("AtlasGeoModel/TileGeoModel.py") include ("AtlasGeoModel/MuonGeoModel.py") include ("AtlasGeoModel/MiscGeoModel.py")